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Additional Biology Resources

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on September 18, 2014 at 12:53:51 pm

Text References:


Chapter Title

Page References


Poisons and the Food Chain

"DDT in a Food Chain"

Investigation 1-C p 30-31

* In Science Power 10

Q 1-8,11 p 32



Case Study 1:  The Ripple effect:  Canadian Geographic Article. 


Ripple effect questions.pdf  


Option C  Population Ecology 

West Nile Virus  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBOsqmBQBQk

1.  What is studies in population ecology? 

2.  What do the following terms mean?  density, dispersion, fecundity,

3.  What are the limiting factors of a population?  Give examples pertaining to the mosquito.

4.  What is the difference between density dependent and density independent factors?

5.   What is a predator of the mosquito?


Great Lakes Clean up at a critical turning point:   http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/blog/photos/Dec90-Jan91.pdf 


Human Impact on the Environment:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eTCZ9L834s

Pollution:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDSRRCKMiI



Movie Study:  Being Caribou:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsJ3w7hUfLs

Worksheet:  Being Caribou.wpd  


Remind students that we studies the sustainability of the oil industry in the context of the tar sands.

I want students to work with the concept of sustainability of the oil industry in the artic. Have students answer the following questions.


How does oil development in the Arctic affect people?

How does oil development in the Arctic affect the economy?

How does oil development in the Arctic affect the environment?

Is developing oil resources in the Arctic sustainable? (write a paragraph providing support for your opinion)



Environment Canada Stream Flow Data



Predators: Crash Course  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFDiiSqGB7M

1. Give examples of several examples of adaptions that predators possess.

2.  What strategy does the hair worm parasite use for survival?

3. What does he mean by the evolutionary arms race?

4.  What is involved in the strategy of mimicry?


Extra:  Community Ecology:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxE1SSqbSn4


Population Notes:  Populations.pdf


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