Plant Investigation

Biology Investigation:  Factors that affect plant growth.


Rationale:  We have been studying various factors that affect the sustainability of ecosystems.  Since plants are the producers in ecosystem upon which all living things depend it is significant to study the factors that affect plant growth.  In class we have discuss how nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous &; potassium are essential for plant growth.  We have looked at the carbon cycle and how plants relate to the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in ecosystems.  We have considered how various chemical affect plant growth.  Here are some additional factors we listed in class to consider evaluating; carbon dioxide levels, acidity, fertilizer, salt, mineral content of water, quality or quantity of light affects plant growth. etc....


Part 1:  Preliminary Planning your Experiment. Sept 18 *Must be handed in before the end of the period


Identifying Variables

1. Develop a testable question.

2. Identity your independent variable.

3. Identify your dependent variable.

4. Identify the variable that will be controlled in the experiment.

5. Generate an Hypothesis to answer your testable question using an ";If....then....because...."; structure.

6.  Identify control group

7.  Identify experimental groups


Developing Methods

1. Make a list of materials and equipment you will need. 

2. Write out your method.

     -present in a series of numbered steps

     -You may use a T chart to identify the steps of your procedure as well as the rationale for each step.

     -Make sure in your method that you clearly describe your experimental groups, the control group, the variables controlled and how you have encorporated repetition to increase the accuracy of the results.  



Part 2:  Conducting your experiment.  -set up Sept 19 -ongoing


Monitor your plants on a daily basis and record observations.

Observations should include both qualitative (descriptions) and quantitative( measurements) results.

*Make sure you make initial measurements and observations of your plants before you expose them to the treatment



Part 3:  Constructing A Lab Report  (Due Mon Oct 1)


Include the following in your formal lab report.  

{This report will be done individually.  You will not copy your partners work!  Both members will receive an R for this offence}


Clear Title

Clearly identify your group members


Purpose:  To determine.....


Hypothesis:  "If....then....because....."


Materials: (List all equipment and materials used)  You may include a sketch of your apparatus.



 -present in a series of numbered steps

     -You may use a T chart to identify the steps of your procedure as well as the rationale for each step.

     -Make sure in your method that you clearly describe your experimental groups, the control group, the variables controlled and how you have encorporated repetition to increase the accuracy of the results.  


Observations: (Complete a chart of your daily observations.  You may include pictures or sketches.)


 Analyze and Conclude.

1.  Analyse your data using calculations and or graph to show plant growth.

2.  Conclude whether the independent variable in your experiment affected the plant growth.

3.  Was the hypothesis accurate?

4.  Do further research to explain why the variable being tested affect plant growth.

5.  Explain sources of experimental errors and how you would alter your experiment to address these errors.



6. Why is the findings of this experiment significant?  Explain how this experiment relates to the interests of farmers, horticulturalists or those managing ecosystems in the world outside the classroom lab.  

7. What further questions arose by the findings of this experiment?  How could these questions be answered?



If you do extra research to support your analysis or discussion site it in a bibliography presented in the following manner.


Suntastic. 2018.  Visit our Garden.  Retrieved from;


Author, A.  Date.  Title of website.  Retrieved from; https://..............




Tips for making Lab reports:  lab guideline 1D.rtf